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Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home

3471 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60618


FRI 7/29  7PM

SAT 7/30   7PM

SUN 7/31   4PM Matinee


a man and a woman sitting on a table

A story with heart and humor

Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home is the story of a woman’s journey from Ireland to America and her struggle with dementia in her later years. This show brings to the stage the experiences that are often unspoken of so many generations of immigrants and adults caring for their aged parents.

This one-woman show is filled with laughs, tears and lots of tea. Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home is a moving, joyous exploration of love, roots and family with Breeda Miller employing heart and humor to bring multiple characters to vivid life.

Mrs. Kelly’s Journey Home premiered at the Arthur Miller Theatre in Ann Arbor on October 22, 2021, with three performances that weekend. Audiences laughed, shed a few tears and most importantly stated that the performance and the script was one of the best they had ever seen. Standing ovations after each performance affirmed the impact of this play

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